Thursday, October 30, 2008
A very Simons Halloween!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Boston Comic Con update...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Ebay auctions now up!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Boston Comic Con November 2!

Coming up on November 2 in Boston, Mass., we will be setting up at the Boston Comic Con. Besides us (which should be cool enough to draw the crowds in droves), attending from comic Art House will be Bob Almond, Norman Lee, Mark McKenna, Mike Lilly, Jack Purcell, and my best bud, Trevor Von Eeden. A couple of cool friends will also be there, Rob Stull and Billy Tucci.
From the Serendipity camp will be Kris Carter, Jeremy McHugh, Don Higgins, Amy Fletcher, Hannibal King, Christopher Gibbs, Brian Kong, Dave Quiles, Cesar Feliciano, Dominic Vivona, Scott Ethan Ambruson, Roger Andrews, Zeke Savory and Ed Coutts. They are the future superstars, check 'em out!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Alex Sanchez joins Comic Art House!

Lock your doors. Hide. Alex Sanchez has broken the locks, disabled the alarm system, and is unleashing some of the hottest images to assualt your senses. You've seen Alex's work on such titles as Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales of the Vampires, Spider-Man Unlimited, X-Men Unlimited, 30 Days of Night: Spreading the Disease, JSA: Classified, and the acclaimed Joker's Asylum.
Dave Simons returns to comics!

"It's a blunderful life" for everyone's favorite big chinned Chosen One
Dynamite presents their first ever Christmas Special... this time with a twist as we send Ash on a Christmas adventure the likes of which the world has never seen! Will Evil Ash destroy Christmas? Can Good Ash stop Evil Ash from ruining Christmas? Is there really a Santa? Find it all out this December in a 40 page one-shot by writer James Kuhoric and classic Marvel artist Dave Simons!
Everyone loves the holidays, right? Wrong! If you've ever worked S-Mart retail in December, you know it's special hell filled with something worse than Deadites.... dumbass holiday shoppers. And when the Necronomicon gets a hold of some classic holiday entertainment, it send Ash through a voyage of twisted Christmas visions that beat him senseless and initiate something deeper in Ash. "It's a blunderful life" for everyone's favorite big chinned Chosen One and this year he's going to face something tougher than Deadite Santas and zombie elves. He'll find a piece of his soul that was swallowed long ago..
Quote Jim Kuhoric: About the chance to work on AoD, artist Dave Simons exclaimed, "When Nicky first sent me a box o' comics to familiarize me with the Dynamite line, in amongst the Red Sonjas and Lone Rangers (great book, by the way) was Army of Darkness. I thought that AoD would be a fun book to work on and particularly suited to me with my experience in both horror (Tomb of Dracula, Ghost Rider) and humor (The Real Ghostbusters and many other animated shows). Little did I know I'd end up working on the AoD Holiday Special! This marks my return to print after several years of working in animation and I couldn't have picked a more appropriate project."
Dave's a class act, any way you gut it, and with Ash, you don't know where it's being "gut" or "cut". It's a different turkey jerker each and every time. In all seriousness, we were exctatic to work with an artist with a pedigree's as impressive as Dave. This is the first person we're putting together with him, but we are talking more down the line. Fingers crossed! Check it out, because it's the return of Dave to comics, but also because he's a great artist.
ARMY OF DARKNESS: ASH'S CHRISTMAS HORROR (ONE SHOT) James Kuhoric (w), Dave Simons (a) Covers: Dave Simons
For art and more information please visit: http://www.dynamiteentertainment.com/htmlfiles/c-Army_of_Darkness.html
Gerry Acerno in the HOUSE!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Scott Wegener Atomic Robo Vol. 2 art now available!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Jim Calafiore's new website

For those who are unaware, we pimp art on three different websites and rep close to 100 artists. They range from the newcomer to the established pro. One of the artists that we've repped for quite some time now, has finally gotten around to setting up some web space of his own. I encourage y'all to visit http://www.jimcalafiore.com/ and check out some of the fine works that jim has posted over there. Tell him Bob and Kim sent ya!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Scott Wegener goes off the deep end!

Scott Wegener must be hitting the hooch again as he has just authorized a 50% off sale for all his remaining Punisher: War Journal pages. Since this was Scott's first shot for one of the big 2, these babies won't last long. So hurry up before Scott bids adieu to his good friends Captain Morgan and Jack and realizes just what the hell he has done.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Joseph Lee Gallery showing!!

Friday, October 10, 2008
30% off Mark McKenna's Countdown pages!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Has Wegener lost his freakin' mind?!? Apparently so, as he just told me to offer up all available pages from Vol. 1 of the Eisner nominated ATOMIC ROBO for the rather sweet 25 % off the prices listed on the site. To make this EVEN BETTER, if you buy multiple (like 5) pages, Scott will discount you even further.
There are some super sweet pages left, so HURRY and grab them before they go (or Scott comes to his bloody senses).
Monday, October 6, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Mid Ohio Con!
Kim and I will be heading off to Mid Ohio Con this weekend and to hang out with Bob's daughter, Alyssa! So, if you wanted to e-mail us, we won't be near a computer from Friday until Monday night. That being said, we'd never leave the fort unmanned and our faithful hanging!
For those days, please e-mail our wing-man, Erick Korpi at erick@serendipityartsales.net. Erick will be able to hook you up with all the cool artwork and commissions that you've been dreaming of in our absence.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Joseph Lee Gallery updates

Family Guy Assistant Director Joseph Lee is a comic book fan. Like most of us, he digs him some Star Wars action too (as if Blue Harvest wasn't a big enough hint).
Joseph's got some mad art skills to back up that bad ass title. The man can throw down with the best of them. While he's not accepting commissions at the moment, he is sharing some of his favorite personal work.
HIT THE LINK! http://www.comicarthouse.com/josephlee.html
Kevin West color commission sale!!

That's right SALE. Kevin's offering up his super-sweet 8.5 x 11 color commissions (regularly priced at $110) for only $90 plus shipping. That saves you $20 so you can buy the Iron Man DVD that just came out.
8.5 x 11 just ain't cutting it? Howzabout a HUGE 11 x 17 color commission? Regularly $160, NOW $140. Same $20 savings, still get the Iron Man DVD (not from us, use your savings) AND you look like the true art connoisseur that you truly are.
So not only do you get a killer piece of artwork to show off to your friendsand look extremely cultured, you can entertain them too! Popcorn's on you though.
Hit the link!! http://www.comicarthouse.com/west.html